Mom's Kids
Mom's Kids
Mom .

Welcome to Mom's Kids

Join me in my Mighty Network

Why You Should Join Me

There are many reasons why I FINALLY succeeded in my weight loss journey. The number one reason is that I had SUPPORT. I'm talking all-hands-on-deck kinda support. There wasn't a single dark moment of dieting that I didn't have someone's hand pulling me through. Then it occurred to me that this world can be a lonely place, and not everyone is as lucky as me. I have always found myself surrounded by strong, supportive friends...but most people I know are not.

I decided someone had to do something to help the other struggling dieters, and that someone was none other than me! My one life skill is that I am an encourager with an endless well of empathy. I truly care for you, and my circle is full of genuine people with good hearts. You won't find a nicer corner on the internet, or a more fun one, to lose weight. There will be laughter and love, and I just have a feeling we won't feel quite complete without you, so join us.